Autumn Ritual

Autumn Ritual

Autumn is my favorite time of year as the leaves change into their rich colors, their last hurrah before they let go, release to earth, decay, and recycle back to earth. It’s a potent time to do some reflecting and releasing of our own, so I’m offering you here a...
Time to Hibernate

Time to Hibernate

A new year is already upon us. Are the cultural pressures and guilt weighing heavily upon you to get back to the gym, start that new project, or get your life on track now? Perhaps what you really feel like doing is crawling back into bed and pulling the duvet over...
Peace Is Not Necessarily Quiet

Peace Is Not Necessarily Quiet

What if the path to peace was loud and messy with maybe even a dose of cursing and screaming? There is nothing I like more than a snowfall in winter to experience the ultimate of peace and quiet. It occurs in the moments before the scraping of shovels and whirring of...
Befriend Your Wise Self

Befriend Your Wise Self

I was recently at the cabin in the mountains I go to twice annually for my private retreat time. I’m alone, mostly unplugged. In silence. In nature. In flow. I started carving out this time several years ago when no organized retreat was feeding my soul and when I was...